Woman was denied boarding her flight because of her 'revealing' outfit. However, when she explained the reason behind it, things got even stranger.

Featured Image Credit/Instagram:Kinechane2.0

Sroll down for her Instagram post.

People are sometimes deplaned because they do not follow airline rules. When this young woman was denied boarding the plane, she became extremely upset.

She later explained why she was denied entry to the place and how upset she was.Continue reading to learn more about what happened.

Kine-Chan is a Brazilian model and cosplayer who is well-known on the internet for her unique style. She puts a lot of work and thought into her costumes.

Chan decided to dress up like Rebecca, a character from the anime series Cyberpunk:

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The costume required her to wear a black bikini, a blue wig, and black sandals. She then decided to wear the look to the airport and board her flight wearing the same outfit. Unfortunately for her, things did not go as planned.

She was at Navegantes Airport in Brazil when the airline staff prevented her from boarding her flight. According to the staff, she was stopped for boarding the plane in "inappropriate" attire.

The 21-year-old then took to Instagram to express her dismay with the whole situation. She posted a lengthy paragraph in Portuguese detailing what had happened to her.

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"A very annoying situation happened this weekend," she wrote in an email. "I attempted to board at Navegantes Airport dressed as Rebecca's Cosplay for an event.

I was already aware that I could be late, so I dressed to avoid wasting time and went straight to my room. But they told me to head back home and switch outfits because what I had on wasn't 'suitable'.

And, of course, many of her followers expressed their opinions on what had happened to her. While some agreed with the airline staff, others felt more compassion for Kine-Chan.

Someone said, "Kine I love you, but you could have put on an easy pull-up outfit, like a falling dress or even a button-down blouse."

Of course, this is a simple solution for anyone who wants to wear a bikini as a costume but knows they won't have enough time to change. Many women choose to wear a dress over a bikini to save time when changing.

However, not everyone shared the same opinion on this matter. One person expressed their disappointment, stating, "I find it truly disheartening that the airport denied entry to such a talented artist like Rebecca, simply because of her amazing cosplay.

"Another user emphasized the importance of freedom of expression and creativity, stating, "We should always encourage and respect individuals' freedom to express themselves creatively." 


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