stunning Spanish model earns $11,000 a month... but she doesn't even exist

A stunning Spanish model earns $11,000 a month... but she doesn't even exist

A Spanish model, Aitana Lopez, who is 25 years old and has a massive online following, is now earning $11,000 per month. The only problem is that Aitana is not a real person. Instead, she is the brainchild of Spanish designer Rubén Cruz. 

Cruz has used artificial intelligence to create a virtual personality, which he is now monetizing. Thanks to Aitana's enthusiastic online fanbase, Cruz is now making a fortune.

We have been warned for a long time that AI will eventually take over the world. But who would have thought that in 2023, Aitana would be making $132,000 per month by posting images online?

Rubén Cruz clarified to EuroNews that the purpose behind our actions was to enhance our livelihood and liberate ourselves from relying on individuals driven by egos, obsessions, or solely driven by monetary gains.

Cruz, the founder of the AI model agency The Clueless, explained how Aitana came to be. Cruz and his team at The Clueless decided to go into the field of AI-generated models after encountering difficulties while dealing with real-life influencers.

The AI agency carefully curates Aitana's online appearance, with a team employing Photoshop to establish her actions, places, and material without the complications of working with human artists.

Cruz betonte, dass "People follow lives, not images", und erklärte, dass es notwendig sei, "eine Geschichte" mit dem Inhalt von Aitana zu erzählen, da sie keine reale Person ist. The model is presented as a fitness influencer and gamer from Barcelona, even given a star sign (Scorpio).

Aitana has become a profitable advertising asset with over 132,000 followers on Instagram. Cruz und ihr Team können jetzt bis zu $1.000 für Werbespots mit ihrem Bild bezahlen. Fans can also access exclusive adult content from the AI model by subscribing to Fanvue, a subscription-based platform.

Remarkably, high-profile celebrities have been slipping into Aitana's direct conversations without realizing that she is a computer-generated avatar because of her genuine appearance. Cruz told a story about a Latino actor who had once sent a date request to her, adding, "He had no idea Aitana didn't exist."

Cruz suggests that leveraging virtual influencers could be a more cost-effective option for businesses than traditional celebrities like Kim Kardashian. Cruz sees potential cost reductions for enterprises.

Cruz maintains that the models' ability to draw business partnerships depends on them maintaining this style, even in the face of criticism for conforming to conventional standards of beauty. He mentioned that brands would not be interested if we do not adhere to this aesthetic.

Cruz is certain that their AI models will have a good influence on the advertising industry, despite the fact that deepfakes and other misuse are worries raised by AI integration.

It turns out that if we were AI, we would be generating more money; we have been doing it incorrectly.


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