Woman choose to live as a full-time baby, sleeping in a crib and spending a lot of money on nappies

Woman choose to live as a full-time baby, sleeping in a crib and spending a lot of money on nappies

Full-time adult child Paigey Miller wakes up in her cot every morning before spending the rest of the day playing with her toys and acting like a toddler.

Featured image credit: YouTube: @Mindlessdiapers 

A woman has admitted to spending £230 per month on nappies in order to maintain her full-time adult baby lifestyle.

Paigey Miller, a content creator from the United States' East Coast, begins each day by waking up in her crib.

After changing her diaper in the morning, she spends her time in her nursery playing with toys and creating online material for the adult baby and diaper lover (ABDL) online community.

She hoped that by starting her own subscription business, she would be able to help others feel less ashamed while also supporting the high expenses that come with being an adult baby.

Paigey began living the lifestyle in 2018 and stated in 2020 that her objective has always been to normalize it while funding it.

She spends £230 ($300) per month on diapers alone, which she pays for with the help of her 426 paid customers.

Paigey's lifestyle is full-time, which means she lives it both in and out of public view.

Paigey is unafraid of criticism from those who don't understand her way of life, despite critics continuously challenging her IQ.

Read More: Parents should seek babies permission before changing nappies, expert says

"I've always collected toys and had a younger sense of humour, so all of my friends and family have been very accepting," Paigey went on to say. If you act like it's not a big deal, folks will just go along with your carefree attitude.

When I reached the legal drinking age, I began surfing the internet to see whether there were other individuals like me, and I discovered a whole community.

Shame is one of the most common emotions people experience, therefore I chose to make my feelings known. I launched a YouTube channel. I created a webpage. It's all about how to be the best grownup baby you can be.

"We enjoy playing with toys." The activities we did as children provided us joy. Polly Pocket and Barbies are two of my favorite toys. I enjoy playing with my plush animals. That's exactly what Little Space is."

Paigey's vast online following has responded overwhelmingly positively.She mentioned to me that she receives emails on a daily basis where people express their gratitude for her openness. 

"There are individuals who just can't comprehend why an adult would choose to act or live like a child." Ultimately, it boils down to having a mindset that appreciates the little things and finds joy in them.

"We're still fully functioning adults." We have to do normal adult things like pay bills, but we also have the additional burden of preserving our lifestyle.

"Many people have questioned my intelligence. They question why a normal intelligent individual would live in this manner.

"I don't react to adversity." It does not merit a reaction. Consent lines are extremely important to me. 

I don't force my lifestyle on others in my everyday life. Even though I dress like a kid, you won't catch me using a pacifier or drinking milk from a bottle. When I'm in public, I prefer to mind my own business.

There are plenty of amazing resources available to help you discover your place within this community.

Paigey's lifestyle has had no effect on her dating encounters. "I haven't had a partner involved in ABDL," Paigey admitted.

I've known my fiancé for five years now, and it's been quite a journey. He may not live this way himself, but he's always been supportive and encouraging of my choices.


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