A woman describes herself as a 'ecosexual,' and claims to be involved in an 'erotic' relationship with an oak tree.

Sonja Semyonova, 45, claims to be in an 'erotic' relationship with an OAK TREE after experiencing a 'connection' while lying on top of it on lonely Covid walks

Sonja Semyonova/ SWNS

A woman describes herself as a 'ecosexual,' and claims to be involved in an 'erotic' relationship with an oak tree.

Sonja Semyonova, 45, has always felt lonely, but her new friendship with the tree has helped to fill that vacuum.

Sonja, a self-intimacy coach, even claims that the feelings she feels with the tree are what she has always sought in a partner.

'The presence I feel with the tree is what I'm seeking for, but that's a fantasy with a person,' said Sonja from Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

'The sensation of being small and sustained by something massive. The sensation of being unable to fall.

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I'd been desiring the surge of erotic energy that comes with meeting a new companion, but it's not sustainable.'

Sonja relocated to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, in the winter of 2020, and went on daily walks during lockdown.

Sonja would walk past a large oak tree near her house on her walks, and she began having 'erotic' experiences in summer 2021.

'I was walking a path near the tree five days a week for the entire winter,' Sonja explained. I noticed a link with the tree.

'I would lie about it. With something so enormous and so old holding my back, there was a sexiness.'

Sonja emphasizes that she does not participate in physical actions with the tree and that the feelings she experiences in nature are not always the same as human sexuality.

'A huge misperception is that ecosexuality entails sex between people and nature; it's a different way to explore the erotic,' she explained.To me, seeing the seasons change is an erotic act.

 'You go from death in the winter to everything coming alive in the spring and mates.'There are parallels between sex with people and the eroticism ecosexuals experience with nature, but they are not the same.'

Sonja believes that everyone is an ecosexual and that recognizing it within ourselves could aid in the resolution of climate challenges.

'It's already prevalent in a lot of people,' she remarked. There's a reason why we like to go on picnics in parks and stroll in the woods.'What we fail to see is that the reason we want this is to tap into the erotic life force that emanates from these things.

'I believe we could benefit from a more symbiotic relationship with nature, and that relationship could certainly be erotic.' 

This story originally published on The Dailymail UK


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