Mom ignites a discussion by stating that the other shopper should have allowed her to cut in line as she had only two items.

Mom ignites a discussion by stating that the other shopper should have allowed her to cut in line as she had only two items

TikTok @thehydefive

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A mom has sparked an online debate after she took revenge on an "unthoughtful" shopper for not letting her cut in line. Lani Hyde, who has 41,000+ followers on TikTok, asked if she was wrong about the "unthoughtful shopper."

Hyde described the incident to Buzzfeed, saying she was frustrated because the shopper wouldn't let her go to the front of the line, even though she had a toddler and only two items.

The influencer said the shopper was a put-together woman, and she was looking at her and giving her the finger because she was "p***ed off" by Hudson's squealing."You can't tell them to be quiet because they just won't listen," Hyde went on to say.

I found myself standing behind this lady who was just staring at me, and guess what? She wasn't finished yet. She was finishing up her shopping, and she saw that I had only two items. I was holding Hudson in my arms, and he was slapping and scratching at me. She was kind of greasing me off and looking at me all the time. 

Related: "Woman Offended After Being Prompted to Tip Self-Checkout Machine for $1.99 Water bottle Purchase"

She kept stacking up her stuff on the counter, and wouldn't let me go before her for two small items. When it came to my turn, I decided to retaliate against her.I took her eggs, bacon, and butter that were at the bottom of the stack. I put them in front of the lady and bought them for her.

She defended herself, asking if it was wrong for her to take the items from the woman and purchase them for herself. She also expressed her husband's displeasure with her vengeance.

The viewers are engaged in a lively debate sparked by the video.


My husbands still like you didnt but im all for it 😂 she coulda let me go first and stop the whinging in her ear lol!! #shopping #lol #dailyvlog #dayinmylife #haha #karma

♬ original sound - Lani-thehydefive 🌴

Some were not pleased with Hyde’s behavior, with one saying, “Why do you think you deserve to get ahead just because you have a kid acting up? 

The world doesn’t just revolve around you.” Another added, “You’re wrong, nobody owes you anything. Just because you have a bad kid doesn’t give you the right to do anything.”

However, not everyone thought Hyde was wrong, as one person said, “I 100% love this. Being a nice person isn’t hard, nice people get their eggs and bacon!”

Another supporter added, “It’s like an unwritten rule of courtesy to let someone in front of you if they have less and you have more! You took it to the next level and I’m loving it!!!”

It’s a weird situation, but personally I think queue etiquette is sacred, and no one should be forced to go in front of someone else. What are your thoughts?


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