"Woman Offended After Being Prompted to Tip Self-Checkout Machine for $1.99 Water bottle Purchase"

"Woman Offended After Being Prompted to Tip Self-Checkout Machine for $1.99 Water bottle Purchase"


A woman who discovered she was being asked to tip when purchasing a bottle of water from a self-service dispenser has expressed her anger.

By The Giggle:

In the US, there has long been a contentious tipping culture because many venues use tips to offset the low hourly earnings that wait workers get.

But some individuals disagree, saying that tips should only be given for really great service.

Additionally, they believe that companies ought to pay workers more so that workers won't need tips as much to get by.

Alexa Merico took to TikTok to show just how far tipping culture has gone after she used a self-service machine to pay for a .99 bottle of water and was asked how much she'd like to tip, despite not having been served by any staff.

In a TikTok video she posted of the event, she said to her fans, "Only in America will you be prompted to leave a tip at a self service snack kiosk."

Taking up a bottle of water, Alexa is shown in the video walking it over to the self-service checkout where she scans it and clicks through to pay.

When she gets to the next screen, a pop-up asks her how much she wants to tip on her transaction.

There are four options: 15%, 18%, and 20%; however, she can choose to leave no tip, in which case 18% is automatically picked.

"I need a 20% discount for my service," she quipped in her message, pointing out that she had completed the checkout process.

After that, the video has been viewed over 12.6 million times, and many people have left comments about the odd recommendation.

"For what? and for who?" and "The tipping culture has gotten way out of control" were among the things they wrote. I only leave tips in restaurants."

Read More: You don't get 25% because you did your job," man refuses to leave tips any more.

Others responded with: "It’s not tipping culture anymore it’s begging culture," as well as: "is the tip the discount you get for scanning your own purchase??"

One individual pointed out that pizza drivers and restaurants greatly benefit from tips, but nothing else is deemed acceptable.

Another person expressed their belief that the issue initially seemed to be the price of water, but it has worsened. Additionally, someone else criticised the exploitation of these extremely wealthy companies.

A commenter said, "Haha this is the first I've seen this," while another criticised tipping culture in general, saying, "My issue is.....you walk into a cafe and do the exact same thing....a girl hands you your drink....and expects a tip!" LORD. I'm not leaving tips further."

One individual was all for it, saying, "How about a tip for the person/persons maintaining the kiosk stocked?

While most people thought it absurd, one person was all with it. That water didn't just happen to creep up on the shelf, after all."

Would you still tip a self-service machine if no one had actually served you, or is that going too far? Tell us in the comments below.


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