"Woman who experienced bullying due to her height of 6 feet 2 inches talks about how hard it is to find a partner."

"Woman who experienced bullying due to her height of 6 feet 2 inches talks about how hard it is to find a partner."

©Jam Press @Marie Temara

"Woman who experienced bullying due to her height of 6 feet 2 inches talks about how hard it is to find a partner."

By The Giggle:

The largest obstacle Marie Temara, a 28-year-old Palm Beach, Florida resident, stated she has faced throughout her life was finding a companion. 

She was resolved to disprove the claims of her detractors that she couldn't be tall and feminine at the same time. Her current goal is to dispel the myth that "men should be taller in a relationship."

Marie claimed that dating was challenging because just 2% of people in her home state of Florida are taller than six feet three inches. "I'll admit that finding a guy who is taller than me is really challenging. 

©Jam Press @Marie Temara

There are extremely few dating opportunities for someone my height, so it's practically impossible," she told NeedToKnow.co.uk. 

"I met a guy who was at most 5'11 when we went on a DATE, despite his online dating profile saying he was 6'5".

I have been informed that "nobody likes tall girls," "the Giants are looking for a linebacker," "I look like a man in heels," in addition to "I'm too heavy to be a girl." 

I would always slouch in public and never wear heels. I would do anything to blend in and appear smaller.

Even though I've only recently started dating shorter men, dating is a lot easier now that I'm willing to date people of various shapes and sizes.Even so, it might still be challenging to find a guy that acknowledges my height difference with him.

©Jam Press @Marie Temara

Because height shouldn't matter, I want to dispel the stereotype that "men should be taller in the relationship." Being a foot or two taller than any man doesn't bother me."

At birth, Marie weighed 12 pounds, and she consistently stood at least a head taller than the other kids in her courses. 

"Being the tallest in school was a challenge for me because I was bullied a lot for being different from other people and much taller than them," she explained.

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Because I was taller and heavier than other male teachers, kids would make fun of me and call me a man or a home.

I was so tormented by other kids and didn't have any friends so I ate lunch by myself in the bathroom. In retrospect, I'm not sure how young people can be so harsh to someone simply because they have a different appearance."

Despite the constant harassment, Marie rose to prominence as a representation of self-assurance. 

Considering that her brother is 6 '9, her mother is 6' 5, her father is 6 '3, and her younger brother is 6' 10, it is amazing that she is the tiniest  member of her family.

©Jam Press @Marie Temara

Marie still has trouble fitting into clothes and shoes because she is a taller lady. She went on, "I never find my size, which is a men's size 12, and trousers are never long enough." All of my clothing and shoes must be ordered specifically, which may be costly and time-consuming. 

©Jam Press @Marie Temara

Additionally, daily items like vehicles, aeroplanes, roller coasters, doors, showerheads, toilets, mattresses, and other appliances are constantly too tiny for me because most things are made for average-sized individuals."

Marie's height is also advantageous because she plays sports well and gets compliments all the time on her long legs. 

She stated, 'I also receive generally favourable comments about my height now, and many shorter gentlemen congratulate me on my long legs, calling me 'Tall Mom,' saying 'we're all the same height lying down,' and 'I'd climb that tree.''

Marie, a 210-pound woman, stated, "As a plus-size model, I embrace my curves." I'm proud to be tall and different, and I want to inspire others by showcasing this beauty. 

I've become quite feminine in an effort to dispel the myth that being tall is not a male trait. I want to stop being seen as a guy. You don't have to give up your femininity to be tall. 

My goal is to serve as an inspiration to others by proving that being tall, plus-sized, and different does not have to be cause for shame. 

Additionally, to endeavour to debunk the myth that unions between tall queens and short kings are incompatible."

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