Husband Spends 20-Years With Wife Without SEX. A Reddit Revelation

Husband Spends 20-Years With Wife Without SEX, A Reddit Revelation.

By The Giggle:

A Reddit user shares a heartfelt post about their 20-year marriage, which didn't seem to exhibit typical physical affection between partners.

As the story unfolds, the user’s spouse, who appears to experience sexual discomfort, has been quietly dealing with such feelings for years.

This realisation sparks a journey of self-discovery and raises important questions about the dynamics of their relationship, communication, and trust.

The user begins the story by talking about how difficult it is for them to be intimate physically in their marriage.

Their wife seldom initiated or displayed want in physical intimacy, despite repeated attempts.

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Some time into their discussion, a startling fact came to light: the wife had suffered great pain during intimacy for their entire marriage, yet chose not to disclose this struggle.

Blindsided by her confession, the user grappled with a torrent of emotions, from denial and disbelief to a sense of violation.

However, the wife expressed her wish to continue the relationship and eagerness to address their difficulties with closeness.

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The user found it difficult to accept that their partner had endured anguish with each intimate act, despite never revealing this issue before now.

The couple consults a gynaecologist later in the story to address intimacy issues. It is found that the wife's past surgery was the cause of discomfort. Medication is offered to help, but she prefers not to explore treatment further as their relationship has adjusted.

The individual struggles balancing their desire for fulfilling intimacy with knowing their partner may feel differently. The wife downplays sexuality's role, favouring quality time together instead.

After learning this information, the individual is left pondering what to do given their seemingly harmonious marriage circumstances.

Advice from online friends varies greatly in response.

While a few individuals doubted the reasons for the user's potential separation from their spouse, citing their own personal issues, others showed empathy towards the user's predicament and emphasised the importance of being understanding and kind.

The user pondered the complexities of intimate bonds, self-absorption, and care for others.

At the conclusion of the post, the user contemplated ending the marriage. The difficulties experienced in comprehending their partner's point of view and the unpredictability of what lay ahead combined in a moving account of a relationship tested to its limits.

In this Reddit narrative, readers are encouraged to reflect on the importance of communicating, empathy, and resilience when faced with a startling revelation. 

They are also encouraged to think about the underlying issues that can exist beneath the surface of marriages thought perfectly sound.


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