Dressed for Halloween as a busty nurse, Jessica Alves claims she has been having "sleepless nights" since her Instagram account was "unfairly" banned.

Dressed for Halloween as a busty nurse, Jessica Alves claims she has been having "sleepless nights" since her Instagram account was "unfairly" banned.

Insta: Jessica Alves

By The Giggle:

Since her Instagram account was deleted this week, Jessica Alves claims she has been having "sleepless nights" and is unable to communicate with her 7.3 million followers or make a career as an influencer.


The 40-year-old Brazilian-British TV star has had numerous plastic surgery procedures to modify her physical look.

Additionally, she flaunted her surgically enhanced features in an incredibly sexy Halloween nurse costume, leaving little room for interpretation with the eye-popping spectacle.

Jessica had a great night out for the eerie holiday, but she was saddened to learn that her Instagram account had been deactivated without warning.

Insta: Jessica Alves

She said to MailOnline that since her account was banned, she has experienced a great deal of "anxiety" and "sleepless nights," and she acknowledged that she has grown "dependent" on it.

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"My account has been suspended suddenly and without warning this week," she stated.I've been experiencing a lot of anxiety as a result, as well as insomnia. 

With the harm to my reputation and my professional status in the influencer network, I feel as though everything is ending. 

The harm to my emotional and mental health is the most significant.It wasn't until the app vanished and I lost contact with my millions of followers that I recognised how reliant on it I had grown and how essential it is to my life.

Insta: Jessica Alves

Despite adamantly stating that she has never violated any of the app's rules, she continuhed by saying that she has contacted Meta about her page but has received no answer.

Jessica was honest about the "haters" she encounters and expressed the belief that trolls may be the cause of her account's downfall.

Despite having spent an astounding £1 million on over 100 cosmetic procedures, the model said earlier this year that she was "100% done with plastic surgery."

She previously shared with MailOnline her thoughts on getting a third breast augmentation, saying, "I love being a woman and I take pride in it."

Insta: Jessica Alves

I saw myself as a long-haired, voluptuous woman when I was younger, and I am now the woman of my dreams. And it feels so good to be content with the way I appear.Becoming the person I am now has been a lengthy road.

I consider the more than 100 surgeries and £1 million spent on them as an investment in my future and happiness—at the very least, I will age into a contented woman.

She went on, saying, "I know that my appearance doesn't conform to traditional notions of beauty, and that's okay.

People should just accept that about me and move on." Being who I am makes me happy since it is my life.

I recently had my 3rd breast augmentation in Brussels at the BeClinic, performed by Dr Frank Ploviere. My old 1500cc breasts were removed and replaced with a 2220cc implant, and I am so pleased with the results.

I have barely felt any pain, and the results have been amazing. This comes after I opened up to MailOnline about my struggles in finding love and the recent heartbreaks I have suffered.

Despite being 40 years old, I am still single and lonely. I often go out on dates in an effort to find my 'Prince Charming'. I don't need to be perfect or wealthy, I just want a good man. 

Recently, I have come to terms with my sapiosexuality, which has made it even more difficult to find my 'Mr Right'.

I think because of the way I look after a lot of plastic surgeries, most people underestimate me until they see me or see me on TV. They say, "oh she's nice, fair, intelligent, and educated."

I have always looked at my plastic surgeries as part of my growth as a person. I also have a good education and have learned six languages.

However, I don't want to reveal too much on a date as it can be too much for a man. I try not to tell too much at once, including that I'm not a biological woman.


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