Parents charges $200 rent bill from daughter after she decides not to attend college

Credit: INSTAGRAM @Bar7Ranch

The choice of a Texas couple to charge their 19-year-old daughter rent for staying at home after high school has sparked an intense debate over responsible parenting and money management.

The over one million-follower Gatesville, Texas couple, Erika and Cody Archie, announced on TikTok that they will be charging their daughter Kylee $200 a month for rent beginning June 1, 2022, only two weeks after she graduates from high school.

The Archies' decision is in line with a rising discussion over the best ways to instill financial responsibility in young individuals. 

About 50% of American people between the ages of 18 and 29 live with their parents as of July 2022, according to Pew Research Center. This is a huge rise from earlier decades.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

In regards to the situation, Dad Cody had expressed his strong opinion, saying that "two hundred bucks a month is plenty cheap to live like a grub in your parents' house."

Although the parents couldn't agree on the strategy at first, they eventually came to the conclusion that it teaches important lessons about managing financial responsibilities. 

Erika said, "That's cheaper than she eats in food," highlighting how crucial it is that their kid learns how to handle money.

However, social media users are divided about their decision.Some echoed the couple's sentiments, sharing personal anecdotes of their own: "If you're working, I'm not the only one in the house paying the bills; if you're not studying, you're working.

"Adults should be treated as such. "I had to pay rent after I graduated until I left for the Marine Corps," a second person said. I believe I turned out okay."

It's all good, another TikToker noted, pointing out how the couple's relationship with their daughter alters with the introduction of rent. 

However, she is free to come and go as she pleases if she is paying the rent. 

Curfews and other "parenting" regulations are disregarded. She's a tenant now.

Some suggested different approaches, such as putting the rent money aside to give it back to the child as future financial assistance. 

One of the viewers said, "My parents gave me $100 back as a wedding present after I paid them $100 a month." It was quite beneficial to begin going."

Another TikTok user concurred, saying, "Collect rent then give it back when they move out."

However, several audience members were vehemently against charging kids for rent.

"You vowed to keep a child...not the other way around," one user countered. If they weren't living at home with you, where else would they go?"

A parent went on, saying, "A firm no from me. Even if it's uncommon, I will always support my children, regardless of their age."

That's weak, and it will 2be difficult enough when they depart. One person said, "Teach them to save so they can move out."

Interestingly, a 2022 Newsweek poll found that almost two-thirds of Americans think that even if their parents don't need the money, young adults who live with them should pay the rent.

The US is seeing an increase in multigenerational households, which is a backdrop for the discussion. 

According to data from the Pew Research Center, the number of multigenerational homes in America has doubled since the 1970s and currently stands at over 60 million. 

The number of young adults living at home in 2020 increased to levels not seen since the Great Depression, a trend that was sped up by the pandemic's economic effects. 

According to The Daily Mail, record highs were reached in 2022 for both US house prices and the median monthly rent. 

So, what are your thoughts? Would you rent to your grown-up children? Tell us in the space provided for comments.


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