I've picked out a name for my baby, but my hubby's relatives are saying it's abusive.

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After a dispute over the name she intended to give her son, the woman's family was shattered. Although her spouse detests it, she claimed the title has been in the family since the 1800s.

When a pregnant woman told her husband that she wanted to give their son a unique name, he scolded her. He said the nickname is "abuse," but she pointed out that it is in keeping with family custom.

When the couple found out they were having a boy, it would be their first child and the first grandchild on the mother's side of the family. It's reasonable to assume that when the pregnancy news first broke, everyone was thrilled.

This has sadly been tarnished because, according to the mother, what should have been a joyful and joyous time instead led to a heated argument that is "tearing the family apart".

All of this is a result of the woman asking her husband whether they may use a name that has been passed down on her side of the family since the 1800s for the firstborn son.

She added in a Reddit post that although her husband had originally approved the name, he has since changed his mind because their little boy is still months away from being born. 

His partner is devastated because this means the world to my whole family.

Yeah, she mentioned that she knows the name Gaylord has a negative connotation nowadays, which is why she's okay with using a shorter version. She understands that a lot of people dislike it, but she assures that she gets it.

To avoid having to deal with bullies, I have been able to arrange with my parents and grandparents that he will go by Gail in daily life.

They were genuinely opposed to the notion, but once I persuaded them, they accepted and didn't appear overly offended.

I think the current backlash against the name is just a temporary trend. Society is becoming more accepting with each new generation, so I believe that he can start using his full name once society matures.

She clarified that she had informed her husband that their son would go by Gail but have the name Gaylord on the birth certificate. Since then, he has stated that he never really agreed to the use of the name and that he believed her to be joking.

She wondered why, after seeing her father and grandfather, he'd assumed she was kidding. Their relationship has been damaged as a result of his refusal to even entertain the idea of talking about it.

After her husband shared the decision with his family, they have been constantly bothering her, blaming her for selecting a "hurtful" name. This has escalated to the point where the grandparents ended up in a heated argument.

She went on to say that her in-laws were insisting that even Gail wasn't a suitable name for a boy, and that she should "modernize" and pick something more fitting.

She added that they handed her a list of acceptable names as if she were a child, which she found highly offensive.

It is not within their rights to choose the name of my child on my behalf.

After her husband told his relatives about the choice, they began "hounding" her, calling her namesake "abusive." The grandparents have even started screaming at each other as a result of this. 

She mentioned that my in-laws are insisting that Gail is not an acceptable name for a boy, and they want me to choose a more suitable name to "keep up with the times."

They offered me a list of acceptable names, treating me like a kid, which I find really offensive. They are not allowed to give my own child a name.

Since he didn't have a problem with it a year before, I don't think my husband would have such a problem if it weren't for his relatives poking their nose where it doesn't belong.

Regarding honoring our elders and customs, what happened? Since his family doesn't have any naming customs, my family should be the ones to do it.

How was it expected of me to buck a family legacy that dates back centuries? This is something that neither my in-laws nor I can get over."

Reddit users quickly corrected her, pointing out that she, not her husband, was at fault.

Most of the comments suggested she change her son's name because he would be bullied. I work with kids in elementary school, and I think this is a horrible idea. Sorry, but that's not possible.

Someone mentioned that it's important to avoid naming your child Gaylord, as certain traditions are no longer relevant in today's world.

That moment is now, without a doubt. Choose another name," wrote a second. "It's his baby just as much as yours," a third person said. Make a concession and call it a middle name.

There will always be something weird associated with this name.

Though I recognize the value of tradition, I don't think any child should grow up with that name. Although attitudes are changing, children are still harsh.


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