I'm ending my marriage to have more time as a parent - I really need some time off.

Image by Satya Tiwari from Pixabay

A woman recently revealed that she's getting a divorce from her husband in order to have her children with her only half of the time. She's unsure if this decision is the best one to make.

This woman wants to know if she's wrong to divorce her husband so that she can only parent her kids 50% of the time, so she took to social media asking people's opinions. 

She posted on Reddit, asking, "Is it okay for me to end my marriage in order to have only half of my time with my children?"

Some people think it’s her husband who’s to blame, not her kids, while others talked about how leaving their partner has affected their health and well-being. 

One person said, “You’re saying you want to divorce because you’re unhappy in your marriage. That doesn’t mean you want to break up with your husband. He’s an idiot. I’d divorce him too.”

Some individuals have expressed their desire to administer a firm reprimand to those who hold the belief that they can neglect their responsibilities in parenting.

I don't blame you for wanting to divorce, but be aware that you might end up with them all by yourself.

I divorced my ex-husband when I had my 3rd child and have full custody of 1 and most of the others. 

I've experienced having all three at some point. Being a single mom is definitely preferable to dealing with a man-child, and the kids are way more cooperative when he's not in the picture. 

Best of luck!

You're right. He may not want them for half the time, but he could sign over the parental rights.

Women with men like this often say that it's easier without them around because it's like losing one of their kids.

Take a look at your finances and if you can afford it, then go for it.

You're absolutely right. I did it. It made my life much easier. It seems counterintuitive, but I had full-time custody and he only saw my kids every other weekend.

Still, it was a lot simpler than being married to him. For one thing, I didn’t have to deal with him whining all the time. He didn’t cross me in front of the kids when I said something he didn’t agree with. 

He also didn’t need me cleaning up his messes, cooking for him, washing his clothes, or trying to keep track of everything for him.

The difference in stress and mental load was huge. Even with 3 kids, I had more peace than I had with him at home.


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