Man receives praise for not exchanging his plane seat with a pregnant lady who wanted to sit nearer to the bathroom

Man receives praise for not exchanging his plane seat with a pregnant lady who wanted to sit nearer to the bathroom

Bing AI

By The Giggle:

A man has come under fire for refusing to give up his seat to a pregnant woman on a flight.

On Reddit’s infamous ‘Am I the A**hole’ thread, a user named “@michaellonelly” posted about a “conundrum” that involved him having to give up a seat for a woman who was pregnant.

“I booked an aisle seat for the holidays and paid extra to sit near the bathroom,” he wrote. “Right before I got on the plane, I was asked to give up the seat so a woman could sit near the bathroom.”

He said the flight attendants “refused to mediate” when the woman insisted she needed to move, and that there were no other “alley or close seats” that he or the flight crew could have swapped her seat for.

He also stated that he attempted to assist the woman but "she wouldn't let me."

The user went on to claim that he attempted to speak with the woman's doctor about the necessity for specific accommodations if she was going to fly soon, especially given her predicament.

My family says I shouldn't have bothered to give up my seat, but I don't agree. I think she and her flight crew targeted me unfairly instead of dealing with it through the proper channels. 

"Am I the A**hole?" he asked. 

But unlike the flight attendants and his own family, many social media users empathized with him and pointed out that he wasn't the a**hole.

"NTA [not the A**hole]," one user wrote. "She could have booked another seat that she wanted or not even gone on the flight at all. She just assumed that she wouldn't pay for it because some fool was going to move it. The flight attendants were wrong to not mediate. They should have at some point told her to return to her seat. You paid for it."

As someone who flew solo with a toddler and was pregnant, I say that everyone has the right to pre-book a seat based on their preferences and needs. It's nobody's business why you booked a seat.

Was the passenger or the airline planning to pay you for the cost of booking the seat in advance? " No need for you to relocate," they concluded.

And a third user stated unequivocally, "NTA I wouldn't have traded for a non aisle and I don't have a medical issue." "I chose and paid for an aisle seat, so that is what I will get."

Who do you believe was correct in this situation? Tell us in the comments.


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