One Should Never Sit On The Toilet for More Than 10 Minutes, Doctor Warns

One Should Never Sit On The Toilet for More Than 10 Minutes, Doctor Warns

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By The Giggle:

A very alarming warning regarding the reasons you should never sit on the toilet for longer than ten minutes at a time has been delivered by an expert.

Many of us have unintentionally spent more time in the restroom than is required, whether it's from inadvertently becoming absorbed in our phone browsing or just wasting a few additional minutes during the workday.

Some might even go so far as to bring a magazine along to the bathroom in an attempt to secure a few peaceful moments.

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Although it might not seem like much, experts tend to think that using the restroom for longer than necessary can have negative health effects.

Launcher was informed by NYU Langone gastroenterologist Dr. Roshini Raj that "you generally don't want to spend more than about 10 minutes on average."

The doctor said that extended sitting on the toilet can cause haemorrhoids or even painful, bulging veins in the anal area.

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As Dr. Raj explains, "the actual anorectal area is hanging a little bit lower than the part that’s supported — your thighs." He attributes some of the problem to the design of a modern toilet.Gravity is making everything dangle a little in that posture, which puts strain on the veins."

He states, "I see a lot of people who develop food poisoning or contract other ailments as a result of improper bathroom cleanliness practices.

"I just think generally speaking, if you’re on the toilet having a bowel movement or trying to have a movement, you shouldn’t be using your fingers on anything else."

The doctor went on to say that it's not just a problem when someone is using the restroom; even simply sitting on the toilet and engaging in other activities can have negative effects. 

"There is some pressure being applied to those veins, even if you're not straining," the physician said, "if you're just sitting there thinking of something else, doing something else."


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In addition, for the purpose of safeguarding your unborn child, Dr. Raj suggests avoiding using your phone while visiting the restroom. He says, "I see a lot of individuals who get food poisoning or catch different illnesses by not having appropriate hygiene practices in the bathroom.

"I just think generally speaking, if you’re on the toilet having a bowel movement or trying to have a movement, you shouldn’t be using your fingers on anything else."

In a NordVPN research of 9,800 Americans, 65 percent admitted to using their phone while using the restroom, with those between the ages of 26 and 41 being the most likely to do so.

Not surprisingly, Gen Z ranked second. The country where individuals are most likely to use their phones while using the restroom is Spain, where nearly 80% of respondents said they use their phones to pass the time when using the restroom.

Those statistics suggest that it's probably time for us all to start using Anti Bac to wipe down our phones more frequently, or perhaps we should just bite the bullet and leave our phones outside when nature calls.


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