Father has faced criticism for attempting to change his son's date of birth by asserting ‘He has the authority'

Photo by Nappy from pexels.com(not actual)

A father has been told that he has "no power over space or time" after attempting to change the date of his son's birth on the birth certificate to one of his own choosing.

According to the father, when he welcomed his first child into the world on New Year’s Eve last year, a nurse gave him the form to record the child’s details. 

He said he chose to fill out the form with the exact date and time, which was 12:05 am on the first day of January, 2021, as he felt that a one-hour difference would not be a problem. 

The father claims that the nurse stopped him and told him that he had the right to change the date, as he was the father of the child.

I had a disagreement with her and told her she was making a big deal out of it. I also said it wasn't fair to my son since he only lived in the year 2020 for an hour.

I also said that 2020 was a bad year and I didn't want my son associated with it, so adding 2021 would have made more sense. 

After she tried to fight me and said it was a fake and would cause a big problem because it was only an hour, I changed the date. I told her that I was his father and I had a say in anything that happened later. 

She became very angry with me and said that it was "not how it works" and that the form wouldn't be accepted because it had false information. She got more people involved, including a paediatrician who raised his voice to me. I told them I was the parent and had the authority.

In the end, they took the form and wouldn't let me complete it. His wife accused him of making a scene, acting stupid, and yelling at her. He claims his family heard the story and accused him of ruining their happiness and causing stress to his wife. 

His brother agreed that it was “ridiculous” for them to fixate on a particular time, and also said that the baby was born in 2021 “because he has a whole year of life but only an hour of 2020”.

The father went to Reddit to get other people’s opinions and found little to none. “You’re an idiot,” one user wrote. Time and space are beyond a parent's control; they are factual aspects, not subjective opinions.

One person humorously remarked, "I may be 30 years old, but since I was born in 2021, does that mean I was also born in 2020?"



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