A horribly abused hog-tied dog rescued in Arizona has finally found a forever home.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube @arizona humane society

This puppy has had a hard life. This Arizona dog has had a difficult life, from being hog-tied to becoming stuck in a drainage pipe. 

However, after much suffering, she has finally found her forever home.Before we get started on this story, we wanted to issue a trigger warning. 

The story of Bunny the Dog is not easy to follow, and the video (found here) that tells the entire story is difficult to watch.

However, Bunny is now safe and sound, so you can rest easy knowing she is in capable hands.

When the Emergency Animal Medical Technicians of Arizona received a call on December 26th, they realized they had their work cut out for them.

Credit: Youtube @arizona humane society

A dog had been found in a drainage pipe, and the journey out appeared to be extremely difficult. 

When they found the German shepherd, they discovered she had been hogtied. This made removal from the drainage pipe even more difficult.

Read More: Having Dogs Than Children Can Lead to a Longer Life, Woman Who Lived 108 Years Shared The Secret.

It took three hours to free the hog-tied dog from the drainage pipe, and once she was out, it was clear she had suffered serious injuries.

She visited the trauma hospital at the Arizona Humane Society and was promptly provided with comprehensive and urgent medical attention.

Following an examination and some time at the humane society, the veterinarian team determined that removing her injured leg was the best option.

Bunny has finally settled into her forever home and is now living a wonderful life surrounded by love.

Despite encountering obstacles, she has successfully transformed her life. It's truly incredible how miracles can unfold right before our eyes!


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